
Dear customers, prices in our store are in Russian rubles, near the price is for your convenience currency converter where you can choose the currency of your country, but please consider, because we are in Russia - when paying for the order you can see the cost in Russian rubles, but your card will be debited with the amount in your currency at the rate of your bank.


If you have difficulty in paying - write to us, we can send you an invoice for payment in the way that is convenient for you.


Payment for an order in our store is possible only by paypal transfer or Wechat transfer for foreign buyers.


After placing an order in the store - contact us for payment by mail - 


Друзья, если вы из России, Белорусии или Казахстана, мы предложим вам значительно более интересные цены, не стесняйтесь написать нам! 






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